Day 8 : SHUKAR


 The magical word that is shukrana. Gratitude. Thankfulness. A kind and beautiful word.
It sets the heart afloat and keeps the world going. It helps keep perspective in the worst of times. It is a great way to help yourself see things you couldn't before. 

I personally feel every good thing in the world has at its essence, the feeling of gratitude. Nothing good ever came out of that heart without feeling thankful. Think about it. Kindness, happiness, Love, charity...everything stems out of reciprocation for humanity. There is a part of you that only wants to give back. The cause could be anything.

I personally feel every good thing in the world has at its essence, the feeling of gratitude. Nothing good ever came out of that heart without feeling thankful.
You'll ask, How can we be grateful in the time of Corona? Thousands of people suffering, dying... starving.

I'd say: Start small.

 Make a list. 5 things you are grateful for today and then do it the next day. And the next. And the next. You'd be surprised and suddenly... you'd be humbled. You'll feel like a little weight has lifted off your chest as you do. The things you are grateful for will suddenly become the highlights to your story.

Shukrana is the perspective we all need in difficult times.

As my own version of sewa, in these times. I am putting out FREE DOWNLOADABLE PRINTS for anyone who would like to have some positivity in their homes/phones or PCS.

Just click on the link below and you will be able to download the images in high resolution.


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