Day 3: Gratitude in times of Corona

10 things I am grateful for in Quarantine:
#gratitudejournal #shukar
  • The Internet!

  • A cozy room with lots of sunshine.

  • Family to be with -- Healthy and Happy.

  • My beautiful plants to help anxiety

  • Availability of ample and yummy food!

  • My journals

  • My art. My Ipad. (Steve Jobs, Tim Cook you genuises! God bless you.)

  • My Yoga Mat. 

  • Music. (Thank you instagram for letting me hear Sam Smith on IGTV live!)

  • A place to walk in. Move in......      It's surprising to me how much we underestimate movement. Especially in our Indian culture. As if it is less important. Less important than making money, studying or having a career for that matter. Whilst I'm not against either of these things, I am however against 'movement' not being fed into us at the same intensity as the latter. It is surprisingly wrong conditioning on the part of our social structure. It's not about working out, or other high intensity activities. Something as simple as a community park for children to play in and elders to walk in would be such a boon. 


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